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First year

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Third year

Fourth year

Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Computer organization

Course 1:
Total hours: 30 hours ( theory ) + 30 hours (Practice).

Subjects Names:

Part 1: Number system. (8 + 8)

  1. Introduction.

  2. Number systems (Decimal , Binary, Octal, and Hexadecimal).

  3. Numbers conversion.

  4. Integer number representation.

  5. Real number representation.

Part 2: Computer Basics. (6 + 6)

  1. Introduction.

  2. What is the computer?

  3. Component of computer.

  4. Microprocessor.

  5. Memory.

  6. Input/Output devices.

  7. Buses.

  8. Assembly language.

Part 3: 8086 Microprocessor. (6 + 6)

  1. Introduction.

  2. 8086 architecture.

  3. Register set.

  4. Address and memory space.

  5. System buses (address, data , and control).

Part 4: 8086 Instruction set. (10 + 10)

  1. Data movement instructions.

  2. Arithmetic and logic instructions.

  3. Jump instructions.

  4. programming with assembly language.

Course 2:
Total hours: 30 hours ( theory ) + 30 hours (Practice).

Part 5: Representation of computer information. (10 + 12)

  1. Introduction

  2. BCD numbers.

  3. ASCII code.

  4. Other codes. (EBCD, excess-3, ….)

  5. ASCII and BCD arithmetic.

Part 6: Computer system. (10 + 10)

  1. Computer classification.

  2. Purpose based classification.

  3. Size-Complexity based classification. (mainframe, super computer, …)

  4. Computer generations.

Part 7: Computer’s memory. (10 + 8)

  1. Introduction.

  2. Type of memories.

  3. Main memory.

  4. Random Access Memory (RAM).

  5. Read Only Memory (ROM).

  6. Secondary memory.

  7. Floppy disk.

  8. Hard disk.

  9. Compact disk.

  1. M. Morris Mano, Digital Design

  2. William Kleitz, Digital and Microprocessor Fundamentals: Theory and Applications

University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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